Friday, July 5, 2013

Book Review: Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life

Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life is about learning to connect to All That Is.  Solomon represents a collective of two voices that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov to Dr. Eric Pearl.  Because of the profound message, the authors felt it should be shared as is, with a greater audience.  The message that Solomon ultimately provides is for Dr. Pearl to align spiritually and allow the flow of All That Is to guide him.  All That Is represents God, the Universe, our instinct and how connected we all are.

Initially, it was difficult to appreciate the message since it was directed at Dr. Pearl specifically as a spiritual healer.  But, when you strip away who was being spoken to and the fact that he was a healer, the message speaks to your soul and your purpose.  We may not be healers, but we are all on a journey towards our purpose for being here and this book speaks to that journey.

Our journeys are not meant to be in isolation but in connection.  We are in the age of information.  Technology give us a means to so much information that there is no way for us to process it all.  Technology also brings us isolation but, we mustn’t let that happen.

“We are about accessing information, all of us.  We access it.  Process it.  And exchange it.  It goes out into the world like a pebble thrown into the water, creating ripples of effect.”

This book spoke to me at many levels but the two that stood out most...
1. We are all connected and therefore, we need to connect.
2. Take action and keep moving.

“But the moment you stop, you’re a victim.  The moment you stop.  And that’s where the problem happens.  That’s where people get into a great deal of conflict.  It’s that suddenly they stop to listen to those voices, or they stop in terms of doubt, or they stop in terms of ‘Am I on the right path?’.”

I was sent this book from Hay House Publishing for review purposes.  This review is unbiased and based entirely on my own opinions.  I will end by saying that, I recommend anyone who is on a spiritual journey to discover who they are and what their purpose is, should read this book.  With that, I’ll end with one last message from Solomon... “If you are at one with yourself - if you are really in tune with your inner life - no choice you make is wrong.”

Purchase this book at